Build your solution with the innovative system

You can control the data

Change with one click all data options in one panel

Fully responsive on notebook, tablets and smartphones

Easily switch to RTL - Right To Left with one click

A dedicated framework for the global supply chain

Easily switch between one system feature and the next

API JSON, HTML, JS, SQL documentation

Compatible with ready language menu and more

Choose what you need to see on the dashboard

video support and more

Create and display data type you want in minutes

Superior perfomance

Solomon has been able to increase the benefits of track and trace by identifying and recording the chain of custody.

This is achieved by recording a range of radio device signals and reporting on custodian smart devices, desktop computers and digital gateways to ratify the custodians in close proximity to the asset or inventory being tracked.

Why we need the system

Data collection for the end to end visibility for a supply chain customer is just out of reach for the majority of supply chain managers and transport operators. This is the opportunity for Solomon Systems to service this growing need as supply chain demands for leaner and high performing supply chains increases.
The industry is looking for a universal source of truth for the data used for monitoring and management of supply chain performance and trade transactions, inside and outside of transport operators’ networks.


Solomon have been able to increase the data set to fill the gaps for the transport operators and offer enhanced benefits of track and trace by identifying and recording the chain of custody in the transit path.

System Solution Benefits

The core benefits to the solution unhinge the efficiencies and savings that supply chain operators and stakeholders can achieve when they Connect Smart Digitisation into their supply chains. The benefits of visibility are part of Solomon’s existing track and trade capabilities. (and) Drive further savings, risk mitigation and supply chain efficiency with Solomon’s existing suite of applications and services that could be deployed, in addition to track and trace, so provide insurance, payments and cyber security back-up systems in either a stand-alone or integrated solution, to meet these range of supply chain management requirements.

Flexibility without limits

ProxPay leverages a combination of IOT, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Smart Contracts to provide a secure Payment on Delivery service
ProxPay uses the latest in technology to authenticate shipment delivery by holding the purchaser's funds in escrow, until the shipment has been accepted by customers
The ProxPay solution provides customers with a method of holding vendors and their supply chain providers accountable for the transportation and delivery of goods in the condition required

Advisory and Partnerships

Our understanding is that Solomon clients are seeking a fully integrated solution, which requires customisation and integration efforts, along with engagement with external stakeholders and any additional partners (if required).
We acknowledge that there are many Stakeholders’ specific requirements in global supply chains and change management and advisory roles which would need to be considered and addressed as part of an overall solution.
In response to these growing requirements, Solomon have a handful of strategic partnerships and alliances with change management and integration advisory, one of note is the global partnership with KPMG.
In addition to this, global insurers like Chubb have appointed Solomon as a risk mitigation and transit asset insurance administrator to drive further savings into global supply chains.

Trading Without Limits

Trackster Global is an iOT procurement and implementation partner for supply chains (which are) seeking support in digitisation of their inventory in transit.
Surety Insure is the first real time insurance policy generator supported by enhances track and trace services.
Pro X Pay leverages a combination of IOT, Blockchain and Smart Contracts to provide a secure Payment on Delivery service.

Intrinsic Benefits

• Close the gaps in the end to end supply chain visibility challenge.
• Authenticate insurance claims automatically and mitigate dispute management.
• Secured trade on the blockchain with iOT and Authenticated chain of custody management.

Extrinsic Benefits

• Provide an enhance and more transparent customer experience in the supply chain.
• Provide just in time insurance policies for last minute changes to shipment status.
• Acquire new customers with the ability to support a payment on delivery tracking and authentication service.

Seamless Integrated Data

• The Trackster & Solomon partnership combines extensive industry and functional expertise with innovative IOT technology and emerging technology capabilities, to deliver superior benefits for clients which can be delivered in a legacy, modular or disassociated approach.

• Our software as a service approach reduces the need for clients to purchase expensive technology and hardware, and eliminates the need for technology development, integration and data analysis by clients. This new offering also ensures that clients benefit from ongoing R&D and technology advances in both hardware and software.


Built with Professionals

The Trackster & Solomon partnership combines extensive industry and functional expertise with innovative IOT technology and emerging technology capabilities to deliver superior benefits for clients which can be delivered in a modular approach.
Our service approach reduces the need for clients to purchase expensive technology and hardware and eliminates the need for technology development, integration and data analysis by clients.
This new offering also ensures that clients benefit from ongoing R&D and technology advances in both hardware and software